Investing in mov

Investing in mov

by Chihiro Kameoka

Z Venture Capital (ZVC) has invested in mov Inc. (mov), the company behind "Kutikomi com" and other services designed to simplify the management and analysis of customer reviews.
Customer reviews now play a crucial role in influencing purchasing decisions, making it essential for store operators to effectively utilize these platforms for customer acquisition. However, as the number of review platforms and reviews increases, managing and analyzing all that data becomes more challenging and costly for businesses.

This is where "Kutikomi com," mov’s flagship solution, comes into play.

It integrates with the largest number of review platforms in Japan, offering centralized management, real-time updates, and detailed analysis. The platform not only reduces the costs of managing review platforms but also enables store operators to leverage review insights to improve their operations, making it an invaluable tool for today’s retail landscape.

Before making this investment, ZVC interviewed mov’s clients, and through these discussions, we were able to confirm the vast and flexible functionality of "Kutikomi com" along with mov’s strong sales performance and excellent customer success capabilities. This has strengthened our confidence in mov’s future growth. Led by CEO Watanabe, the mov team—comprising experts across various fields—is well-equipped to deliver top-quality solutions in service, sales, and customer support.
Looking ahead, ZVC will work closely with mov to integrate their services with the LINE Yahoo Group, helping to accelerate mov’s growth and supporting the digital transformation of retail businesses across Japan.

mov Inc.
Company Website:
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